December 23, 2012

Having a well needed break for a while . . .

Having a well needed break for a while - back in 2013 fully energised and ready to take on the new year and all its adventures . . plus a new MooNDaY weekly show with the music of JaNa KYoMooN!
Details to be posted here at and of course on the calendar too!



or pop this into itunes

Enjoy some live recordings

As always thanks for your support!
Have a great holiday season and see you in the new year!

December 21, 2012

2PM Pacific JaNa Celebrates New beginnings

2PM Pacific - A lot to celebrate today including the winter solstice.
Come and join me at 
for an hour of ambient rhythmic reflections
as part of the four hour event 'World Transition Day'
2PM in the virtual world of Second Life and simulcast on
Happy Solstice everyone!

December 16, 2012

1PM THe Change - a metaverse rock opera with the music of Junivers Stockholm

It's virtual Sunday again!
1PM THe Change - a metaverse rock opera with the music of Junivers Stockholm, lyrics by Medora presented by the Cybernetic Art Research Project in the virtual world of Second Life

Read about it here>>


or pop this into itunes

Details at
Join us - we'd love to see you

December 15, 2012

1PM Pacific THE SUN AND MOON in Second Life

SATURDAY Looking forward to playing at a new venue - THE SUN AND MOON

at 1PM Pacific time = 9PM UK time . .  thanks to Roxy Gellar!
See you all there for an hour of ambient rhythmic reflections

WeLCoMe To THe aMBieNT MuSiC WORLD of JaNa KYoMooN

Captured Moments of Time

playing the MuSiC oF JaNa KYoMooN
simulcasting on Radio JaNa

December 14, 2012

12/14/12 Going into CraftWorld for a music adventure with Torben Asp

Going into CraftWorld for a music adventure with Torben Asp on FRIDAY

Joining Torben Asp today Friday 14th from 1PM PST (9PM UK time) in an adventure playing in a new virtual world for me - This one is called Craft World 

So if you feel brave join us at the JessO sim at 1PM

I am using the Phoenix Viewer which allows adventures in virtual worlds aside from Second Life and seems to be a much more user-friendly viewer!

Torben always does a great particle show and JaNa is usually a floating pink cloud 
but the music will be good
and you can always tune in via 

See you later

December 13, 2012

2013 - WeLCoMe To THe aMBieNT MuSiC WORLD of JaNa KYoMooN

2013 - WeLCoMe To THe aMBieNT MuSiC WORLD of JaNa KYoMooN

Captured Moments of Time
with keyboards, loops and computers
generated live from the computer studio in the UK of electronic composer/producer 
who performs on line as the virtual artist JaNa KYoMooN
in ViRTuaL WoRLDS and beyond.

"I look on these adventures in virtual spaces as performance art
mixing a colourful display of particle magic 
with dancing avatars
and anything you can imagine
in a land that lies behind the monitor.

So join me for an HouR oF CaLm and MuSiCaL MaSSaGe.
Pour a glass of wine or make a cup of camomile tea
and set your mind and your environment to midnight!

Look forward to sharing my aMBieNT MuSiC WoRLD with you very soon"


playing the MuSiC oF JaNa KYoMooN
simulcasting on Radio JaNa




December 10, 2012

Time Travelling to the TunaVeRSe

MONDAY Getting my coffee ready for this monthly event - MONDAY 6.00 PM Pacific/ 2.00 AM UK (Tuesday) - THe iLLuSioN oF ReaLITY with Tuna OddFellow - Yes we are time travellers this evening!
Live at the TunaVerse from London UK and Salem USA and in virtual spaces too

A special show for the USA and rest of the world on the second Monday of each Month with Tuna OddFellow. 
It will be 2.00AM for JaNa K but the technicolour extravaganza should keep her awake! 
Join us for an hour or so of OddBallity and bring your sunglasses!

Come and explore the iLLuSioN oF ReaLiTY with some new music and old friends in the virtual world of Second Life.
Listen to the show live on

Join us on Facebook through out the show and post comments and photos!

As always thanks for your support

December 8, 2012

9th Dec 2012 My Virtual Sunday . . . .

My Virtual Sunday . . . .

12PM Pacific/ 8PM UK - THe iLLuSioN oF ReaLITY with Tuna OddFellow + JaNa KYoMooN

Every month JaN goes virtually to the USA to play the Music of JaNa KYoMooN at the TuNaVeRSe celebrating the iLLuSioN oF ReaLiTY with an hour of out of this world visuals. Plenty of pyscho particles, live streaming music and colourful oddity full of mind blowing graphics and oddness from master magician Tuna OddFellow - Live from London UK and Salem USA! 
Be part of the future of live interactive performance art streaming straight into your living room via your computer!

SUNDAY 1PM Pacific/9PM UK time / 1PM in California, 3PM in Nashville and 4PM in NYC.

1PM THe Change - a metaverse rock opera with the music of Junivers Stockholm presented by the Cybernetic Art Research Project


SUN 2PM Pacific/10PM UK time / 2PM in California, 4PM in Nashville and 5PM in NYC. Happy Charles back for the Music for Winter Festivals with his songs for the seasons. It's an annual tradition! Come and get virtually festive and do the xmas conga!
at the MuSiC FoR WiNTeR FeSTiVaLS peace park in the virtual world of Second Life
and on the new and improved stream
or pop this into itunes

Check the latest news on

and join us during the shows

Be great to see you . . 
As always thanks for your support


December 1, 2012

Welcome to the first virtual weekend of December . . .

Welcome to the first virtual weekend of December . . .

SATURDAY 1PM Pacific So looking forward to playing at the SL planetarium. I do hope you will join me for for a return performance of ambient reflective electronica from JaNa KYoMooN at this beautiful build.
Bring your cameras! Lots of beautiful images to be posted . . 

SUNDAY Join us for THREE HOURS of music every Sunday in December
I will be playing music and chatting on my new mic and stream today from 12PM onwards
12PM San Francisco /2PM Nashville/3PM New York /8PM London/9PM Paris
at the MuSiC FoR WiNTeR FeSTiVaLS peace park in the virtual world of Second Life
and on the new and improved stream
or pop this into itunes

12PM Recording a Radio Show 'Wine is Bottled Poetry'
Please do come along and relax whilst I record a monthly hour of aMBieNT MuSiC WoRLD for broadcast on the Radio Ditto app
Have you downloaded yours yet?

SUN 1PM THe GoodBYe WeeKeND SHoW 12PM Pacific our weekly get together for an hour of ambient reflective music. A musical massage and hour of calm. Bring your skates - 

SUN 2PM Happy Charles kicks off the Music for Winter Festivals with his songs for the seasons. It's an annual tradition! Come and get virtually festive and do the xmas conga!

Check the latest news on

and join us during the shows

Be great to see you . . 
As always thanks for your support

November 25, 2012

Virtual Sunday NOVEMBER 25TH 2012

Virtual Sunday NOVEMBER 25TH 2012
Lots going on today with the music of JaNa KYoMooN and friends!

12PM Pacific Music for Winter Festivals opens for an hour of ambient reflective music of the season

SUNDAY 12PM San Francisco /2PM Nashville/3PM New York /8PM London/9PM Paris

I will also be recording two radio shows for broadcast on the Radio Ditto app
Have you downloaded yours yet?

1PM THe Change - a metaverse rock opera with the music of Junivers Stockholm presented by the Cybernetic Art Research Project

2PM SoundSmith plays an ambient music concert

Join me live on Radio JaNa anytime from midday onwards

Interact with the Facebook group

Be part of the future of live interactive performance art
streaming straight into your living room via your computer and mobile phone!

Set your mind and your environment to midnight 
Listen to the aMBieNT ReFLeCTioNS oF JaNa KYoMooN
Captured Moments of Time
with keyboards, loops and computers
generated live from JaN PuLSFoRD'S studio in the UK

as always thanks for your support

November 22, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

Today is the first day of the holidays and as is our annual tradition, the music for winter festivals park will be opening this SUNDAY for fun and games and music, music, music!

An extended GoodBye Weekend Show will start an hour earlier until end of the year and continue until the last reindeer has left the park . . . 
every SUNDAY 12PM San Francisco /2PM Nashville/3PM New York /8PM London/9PM Paris

Keep up to date - it's going to be a busy virtual month!

Happy Charles will be performing on Dec 2nd and 9th
We will be live at the TunaVerSe too and no doubt there will be more USA friendly performances in the virtual world of Second Life!

Also concerts in other virtual worlds have been booked
13th Dec CraftWorld with Torben Asp
21st Dec iNWoRLDZ 
The virtual grid is expanding!

Every Sunday until the end of the year at 1PM SLT Juni and Medora will be performing the Change.
Please do visit - it is an amazing experience!


Listen on RaDio JaNa

Interact with the Facebook group

Be part of the future of live interactive performance art
streaming straight into your living room via your computer and mobile phone!

Set your mind and your environment to midnight 
Listen to the aMBieNT ReFLeCTioNS oF JaNa KYoMooN
Captured Moments of Time
with keyboards, loops and computers
generated live from JaN PuLSFoRD'S studio in the UK

As always - Thanks for your support
JaNa x

November 18, 2012

It's Sunday - a virtual Sunday exploring the illusion of Reality

Our regular get together is on Sunday at 1PM SLT
Join JaNa and friends for an HouR oF CaLm and MuSiCaL MaSSaGe
at the GoodBye Weekend Show
every SUNDAY 1PM San Francisco /3PM Nashville/4PM New York /9PM London/10PM Paris

Listen on RaDio JaNa

or come into the virtual world of Second Life

Interact with the Facebook group

Be part of the future of live interactive performance art
streaming straight into your living room via your computer and mobile phone!

Set your mind and your environment to midnight
Listen to the aMBieNT ReFLeCTioNS oF JaNa KYoMooN
Captured Moments of Time
with keyboards, loops and computers
generated live from JaN PuLSFoRD'S studio in the UK

As always - Thanks for your support
Look forward to seeing you later . .
JaNa x

November 9, 2012

111112_aNoTHeR ViRTuaL WeeKeND

Sunday 11 11 12 - we celebrate peace by remembering the price paid by many for peace.

Two shows today - be great to see you at one or both in the virtual world of Second Life but if you can't make it join us on Radio JaNa and listen in itunes. Also do join us on Facebook through out the show and post comments and photos!

SUNDAY 12PM Pacific/ 8PM UK - THe iLLuSioN oF ReaLITY with Tuna OddFellow + JaNa KYoMooN
Every month JaN goes virtually to the USA to play the Music of JaNa KYoMooN at the TuNaVeRSe celebrating the iLLuSioN oF ReaLiTY with an hour of out of this world visuals. Plenty of pyscho particles, live streaming music and colourful oddity full of mind blowing graphics and oddness from master magician Tuna OddFellow - Live from London UK and Salem USA! 
Be part of the future of live interactive performance art streaming straight into your living room via your computer!

SUNDAY 1PM Pacific/9PM UK - The GoodBye Weekend Show every Sunday. 
"Set your mind and your environment to midnight" for an hour of ambient reflections with the aMBieNT MuSiC WoRLD of JaNa KYoMooN streaming live from the UK at 9PM UK time / 1PM in California, 3PM in Nashville and 4PM in NYC.

Come and explore the iLLuSioN oF ReaLiTY with some new music and old friends in the virtual world of Second Life.

Thanks to Reality Stalker for hosting the event at his beautiful underwater venue on Reality Island and to all the friends who support these weekly shows with their beautiful particles, dances and presence!

As always thanks for your support
MONDAY Getting my coffee ready for this monthly event - MONDAY 6.00 PM Pacific/ 2.00 AM UK (Tuesday) - THe iLLuSioN oF ReaLITY with Tuna OddFellow - Yes we are time travellers this evening!
Live at the TunaVerse from London UK and Salem USA and in virtual spaces too
A special show for the USA and rest of the world on the second Monday of each Month with Tuna OddFellow. 
It will be 2.00AM for JaNa K but the technicolour extravaganza should keep her awake! 
Join us for an hour or so of OddBallity and bring your sunglasses!


November 3, 2012

Not sure if the show is going to happen live tomorrow night (11/03)

Not sure if the show is going to happen live tomorrow night (11/03) as
presently I cannot get on line due to a restricted service
but . . . wait for it . .  Wednesday November 7th I have ADSL2 FINALLY arriving!!
Yes it is really going to happen this time
so meanwhile
Please do download the app from our friends at who are now making the JaNa KYoMooN hour of ambient music world available each month .  . .
Very excited about this and do hope you will support Radio Ditto by downloading the app
and leaving a comment on their website to let them know how much you appreciate this show of support for the music of JaNa KYoMooN!
Thanks everyone!

October 28, 2012

GooDBYe WeeKeND SHoW at usual time - wherever you are!

After much deliberation, maths and headache trying to work out the time differences I have decided the GoodBYe WeeKeND SHoW will be held this evening (SUNDAY) at the usual time in the States of 1PM Pacific and 9PM in the UK meaning
the show will be TWO hours long so tune in as per usual this evening for a double dose of the ambient music of JaNa KYoMooN . . . two hours of music massage!
What a bargain . .

Look forward to seeing you all later
Our regular get together is on Sunday at 1PM SLT
Join JaNa and friends for an HouR oF CaLm and MuSiCaL MaSSaGe
at the GoodBye Weekend Show
every SUNDAY 1PM San Francisco /3PM Nashville/4PM New York /9PM London/10PM Paris

Listen on RaDio JaNa

or come into the virtual world of Second Life

Interact with the Facebook group

Be part of the future of live interactive performance art
streaming straight into your living room via your computer and mobile phone!

Set your mind and your environment to midnight
Listen to the aMBieNT ReFLeCTioNS oF JaNa KYoMooN
Captured Moments of Time
with keyboards, loops and computers
generated live from JaN PuLSFoRD'S studio in the UK

As always - Thanks for your support
JaNa x

Thanks for supporting the MuSiC oF JaNa KYoMooN



October 20, 2012

My ViRTuaL WeeKeND October 20th 2012

Hello again! The weeks are flying too fast!

Bastian75 Barbosa: has invited me to play at the SL planetarium for a 30 minute performance on Saturday 3.30PM SLT
Hope to see some of you there

Our regular get together is on Sunday at 1PM SLT
Join JaNa and friends for an HouR oF CaLm and MuSiCaL MaSSaGe
at the GoodBye Weekend Show
every SUNDAY 1PM San Francisco /3PM Nashville/4PM New York /9PM London/10PM Paris

Listen on RaDio JaNa

or come into the virtual world of Second Life

Interact with the Facebook group

Be part of the future of live interactive performance art
streaming straight into your living room via your computer and mobile phone!

Set your mind and your environment to midnight 
Listen to the aMBieNT ReFLeCTioNS oF JaNa KYoMooN
Captured Moments of Time
with keyboards, loops and computers
generated live from JaN PuLSFoRD'S studio in the UK

As always - Thanks for your support
JaNa x

October 15, 2012

MONDAY 6.00 PM Pacific/ 2.00 AM UK (Tuesday) - THe iLLuSioN oF ReaLITY

Did I mention I'll be putting the coffee on shortly to stay awake for my monthly USA show at the TuNaVeRSe? Hope to see you there - all insomniacs welcome too!

MONDAY 6.00 PM Pacific/ 2.00 AM UK (Tuesday) - THe iLLuSioN oF ReaLITY with Tuna OddFellow - Yes we are time travellers this evening!
Live at the TunaVerse
A special show for the USA and rest of the world on the first Monday of each Month with Tuna OddFellow + the music of JaNa KYoMooN
It will be 2.00AM for JaNa K but the technicolour extravaganza should keep her awake!
Join us for an hour or so of OddBallity!
Hope to see you soon and as always thanks for your support!

October 13, 2012

SUNDAY OCTOBER 13th 2012 - Welcome to the Virtual World of JaNa KYoMooN!

Welcome to the Virtual World of JaNa KYoMooN! SUNDAY OCTOBER 14th 2012
12PM Pacific/ 8PM UK - THe iLLuSioN oF ReaLITY with Tuna OddFellow + JaNa KYoMooN Live at the TuNaVeRSe
Every month JaN goes virtually to the USA to play the Music of JaNa KYoMooN at the TuNaVeRSe celebrating the iLLuSioN oF ReaLiTY with an hour of out of this world visuals. Plenty of pyscho particles, live streaming music and colourful oddity full of mind blowing graphics and oddness from master magician Tuna OddFellow - Live from London UK and Boston USA! 
Be part of the future of live interactive performance art streaming straight into your living room via your computer!

1PM Live at the GoodBYe WeeKeND SHoW
"Set your mind and your environment to midnight" for an hour of musical massage with the aMBieNT MuSiC WoRLD of JaNa KYoMooN 
and special guest Soundsmith Kamachi playing his great mix of ambient electronica! Welcome to our Virtual Weekend

The GoodBye Weekend Show every Sunday in virtual spaces, Facebook and internet radio!
Listen to the shows live on 
Join us chatting and posting photos during the shows on
All the music is available to download from

As always thanks for your support
Look forward to seeing you every Sunday!

October 7, 2012

Virtual Sunday - October 7th

Three shows today!
Do join us on line during the broadcasts at

All simulcast on and in the virtual world of Second Life and if i can get it working on ustream . . watch this space!

12PM (Pacific Time) Virtual Cologne JaNa KYoMooN w/ Torben Asp
live from Denmark and the UK!
Sharing the hour with my old virtual friend Torben Asp - just like the 'olden' days

1PM (Pacific Time)  Good news . .  Reality Stalker and a few friends have bought the SIM where the beautiful alienarium resides so the GooDBYe WeeKeND SHOWS resumes same time same place today!
Big thanks to Reality Stalker!
We also have a special guest as our friend SoundSmith Kamachi will be playing some of his ambient electronica this Sunday 7th October
Come over at 1PM for an hour or more of music, massage and magic!

All simulcast on and in the virtual world of Second Life and if i can get it working on ustream . . watch this space!

3PM (Pacific Time) Heart Songs features my music today on Blog Radio

Looking forward to seeing you on line later!

October 4, 2012

GooDBYe WeeKeND SHoW back this Sunday

Good news . . Just heard that Reality Stalker and a few friends have bought the SIM where the beautiful alienarium resides - It's where we have been meeting for the GooDBYe WeeKeND SHOWS. 
So they will resume same time same place next Sunday!
Big thanks to Reality Stalker!

We also have a special guest as our friend SoundSmith Kamachi will be playing some of his ambient electronica this Sunday 7th October
Come over at 1PM for an hour or more of music, massage and magic!
See you then . . 
Oh yes and I have a few new toys I may be trying out . . always up for an adventure hehehe

September 30, 2012

No show this evening Sun Sept 30th

Sorting out some technical issues here . . so regretfully no show tonight but back with a new and VERY improved on line access very VERY soon - watch this space! Enjoy your Sunday evening everybody!

September 22, 2012

Celebrating the Autumnal Equinox on Sunday's GooDBYe WeeKeND SHoW

Celebrating the Autumnal Equinox on Sunday's GooDBYe WeeKeND SHoW

"Set your mind and your environment to midnight" for an hour of ambient reflections with the aMBieNT MuSiC WoRLD of JaNa KYoMooN streaming live from the UK at 9PM UK time / 1PM in California, 3PM in Nashville and 4PM in NYC.

Come and explore the iLLuSioN oF ReaLiTY with some new music and old friends every Sunday
in the virtual world of Second Life 

Join us on Facebook through out the show and post comments and photos!

Listen to the show live on

As always thanks to everyone for your support
Looking forward to sharing the hour with you on Sunday


September 15, 2012

The GoodBye Weekend Show every Sunday 1PM Pacific Time

SUNDAY 1PM Pacific/9PM UK - The GoodBye Weekend Show every Sunday. "Set your mind and your environment to midnight" for an hour of ambient reflections with the aMBieNT MuSiC WoRLD of JaNa KYoMooN streaming live from the UK at 9PM UK time / 1PM in California, 3PM in Nashville and 4PM in NYC. Come and explore the iLLuSioN oF ReaLiTY with some new music and old friends in the virtual world of Second Life. Listen to the show live on Thanks to Reality Stalker for hosting the event at his beautiful underwater venue on Reality Island and to all the friends who support these weekly shows with their beautiful particles, dances and presence! Join us on Facebook through out the show and post comments and photos! As always thanks for your support JaNa
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