February 27, 2011

decided to postpone the GoodBYe WeeKeND SHoWs until April - BUT

great to see so many of you at the tunaverse - full of mind boggling visual oddity at the Odd Ball . . .
but my poor mobile G3 had a hard time keeping up with all the particles and chat etc. - so sensibly i have decided to postpone the GoodBYe WeeKeND SHoWs until April - BUT i will be posting something for you to download on ST David's Day (March 1st) as we move closer to springtime and the arrival of daffodils and broadband . .  watch this space JaNa x

February 26, 2011

11AM PaCiFiC Sunday at the TuNaVeRSe

A 2 hour show of Music and Graphics to Blow your Virtual mind!
This is a MUST SEE EVENT with a specially prepared two hour music stream from JaNa KYoMooN to go with the award winning graphical magic of the Tunaverse
Check out the site of Tuna OddFellow and Shava for details of their work preparing this Visual Extravaganza
11AM PaCiFiC /1PM CeNTRaL /2PM NYC/7PM uK/8PM euRoPe/2aM SiNGaPoRe/3aM ToKYo/4aM SYDNeY/6aM auCKLaND

February 18, 2011

a life without instant access to the internet

a life without instant access to the internet . . facebook, skype, twitter, email, secondlife .  . hard to imagine isn't it? . . . especially when your life has been so intertwined with the grid since 1993

I recently moved (yet again) and it looks like I won't be getting wired broadband into my apartment until the end of March . . . so i am in the middle of compiling a series of "GoodBye Weekend Shows" - (something I really should have done a long time ago) to put on the radio jana server for broadcast each Sunday at the usual time - 2PM PT/10PM GMT

This means we can continue meeting on line at the music ALL music Peace Park and communicate during the show using chat. The interim mobile 3G service I currently use is pretty good just not good enough for live broadcasts. It also means I can make them available as downloadable podcasts from itunes (with limited music) or as a full one hour at the shows for all you loyal followers  . . . 

and so another adventure begins . . 
hope to see you this sunday 20th feb

February 9, 2011


this is where social network/media scores . . .
today is a global meetup day for soundcloud - the musician/composer's friend for making their music available to be heard or downloaded by whoever they want
i'm a busy person and like most busy muso/composers have to be able to deliver at the drop of a hat . . .
i signed up to go to the london meetup this evening, having seen tim exile at tedx aldeburgh and knew how inspiring his youthful enthusiasm would be to an old hand like myself LOL
plus meeting a lot of cool soundcloud users . . 
but then i got a pitch to do and as usual they wanted the music yesterday
so i tweeted how sorry i was i would not be able to make it and did they have a virtual one happening?
SL superstar slimmie saw it and suggested we do one in Second Life  so YOU ARE INVITED TONIGHT
12.30 SLT
Look forward to seeing all Second Life Sound CLoud users later!