June 13, 2009

Swina's Mood Interview
hello Jana!
Is it all ok for you at Swina's Mood tomorrow!?
These are the questions Swina will do to you:
How did you discover SL?

I got into Second life about three years ago in Feb 2006.
My friend the SL musician Cypress Rosewood suggested it.
After a few attempts I finally "got it" and became JaNa KYoMooN creating the Music ALL Music Peace Park and started performing as part of the Peace Park Trio with Cypress and Trefies Kaufman.
The mixture of electronica with dulcimer and Native American Flute was extremely successful. We played many gigs.
Then about a year ago I started performing as a solo artist - At first I was performing hard hitting electronica music from my RL aTHeNa BLue project but then as time went on it seemed the more down-tempo, meditative ambient music was getting the biggest reaction.
When I realized the positive aspect of performing this kind of music for spiritual and physical well being I decided to dedicate most of my performances in SL to this end. 

Do you think SL can be a valid showcase for your RL works?

Absolutely. I think it goes hand in hand and for me creatively it provides a weekly outlet for new music and ideas.
It is a perfect parallel to the real world in terms of seeing yourself reflected in the virtual world.
you can learn from your mistakes and your sucesses
and you can get immediate feedback
For new musicians it's invaluable for planning a business model
i mean if no one comes to a show why is that?
so they can learn the importance of promotion, talking to people,stage presence etc etc
just like the real world
I host the "Goodbye Weekend Show" on Sunday night's at the music ALL music Peace Park and have seen it grow from nothing to a packed SIM. It has helped me record three albums and develop Radio Jana

Which are the sources of your inspiration?

I believe music is all around us and we as composers learn to tap into that
we get our inspiration from a variety of stimuli depending where we are in our lives.
For the past few years my inspiration has been where I live and the fields and nature that surround me. From the sound of the water babbling to the birds, the smell of honeysuckle and the beauty of the trees and flowers. The sight of the full moon to the sound of thunder.
I capture these musical moments into my computer. I might come back from a long walk, take a deep breath and play and programme the music I found.
i like to think of it as painting and sketches with music. I use reflective piano and ambient synths tinged with echoes of world jazz and triphop"


Do you want to use your RL name?

I think people enjoy the anonimity of SL - I have found they don't seem to be all that interested in who you are or what you do in RL which i quite like
I don't mind if people know my name which is jan pulsford
they can google me very easily and find out who i have worked with
my favourite projects in RL have been with Cyndi Lauper, Chico Freeman, aTHeNa BLue and DJ Julian Marsh
it's no great secret

Do you use other kind of digital promotions?

I think we are living in the most exciting times for the internet and digital revolution
i tweet and blip music every day
i blog when i have time
i sell my music in CDs and mp3 downloads


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