Get the latest JaNa KYoMooN recording - for a pledge!
Some of you may have noticed I have been working hard on crowd sourcing the recording of the Sound of You album on Pledge Music - an album I have co-written and will be co-producing/recording next month with Chico Freeman and Estelle Kokot in Africa!
I thought to involve followers of my JaNa KYoMooN's aMBieNT MuSiC WoRLD shows from Radio JaNa and Virtual Worlds I would offer an extra incentive
If YOU pledge to order the Sound of You album in advance (along with any of the rewards available - lots of fun things!)
I (JaN) will double reward you with a mastered digital download of an exclusive, never released album, 'Echoes of the River', with artwork via a personal email from me on March 15th.
Sound like a deal? For a minimum price of a couple of lattes you get two albums of world class music and continue to support true independent music. Without you I couldn't do it.
Thanks, as always
JaNa xxx