June 23, 2012

"Behind the Monitor" GoodBye Weekend SHoW Sun 1PM

We have a very special "Behind the Monitor" GoodBye Weekend SHow coming up on Sunday June 24th at 1PM Pacific/9PM UK time - a mixture of music and poetry and art from the 'MuSiC oF JaNa KYoMooN' FaceBook group - simulcast in Second Life , Radio JaNa and on Facebook using the comments on the group page. Poetry from Medora and Susy Halcalli, music from Junivers Stockholm, Soundsmith Kamachi, Kathy Raimey, Happy Charles and a special live piano performance by JaNa KYoMooN
All very welcome to contribute - please message me!
Be great to see you there!

Come and explore the iLLuSioN oF ReaLiTY with some new music and old friends in the virtual world of Second Life every Sunday

Thanks to Reality Stalker for hosting the event at his beautiful underwater venue on Reality Island and to all the friends who support these weekly shows with their beautiful particles, dances and presence!

Join us on Facebook!

As always thanks for your support

June 21, 2012

THURSDAY 1.30 PM Pacific/9.30 UK Time - SL9B SoLSTiCe CeLeBRaTioN at the TuNaVeRSe

THURSDAY _ TONIGHT! 1.30 PM Pacific/9.30 UK Time -  SL9B SoLSTiCe CeLeBRaTioN at the TuNaVeRSe - new music - new graphics a new way to welcome summer and celebrate the 9th Birthday of Second Life and the beautiful Solstice and arrival of Summer!

THe iLLuSioN oF ReaLITY with Tuna OddFellow + JaNa KYoMooN

Every month JaN goes virtually to the USA to play the Music of JaNa KYoMooN at the TuNaVeRSe celebrating the iLLuSioN oF ReaLiTY with an hour of out of this world visuals. Plenty of pyscho particles, live streaming music and colourful oddity full of mind blowing graphics and oddness from master magician Tuna OddFellow - Live from London UK and Boston USA!

Be part of the future of live interactive performance art streaming straight into your living room via your computer!

June 16, 2012

It's Sunday - time for the GoodBYe WeeKeND SHoW!

It's Sunday - time for the GoodBYe WeeKeND SHoW!
1PM Pacific/9PM UK - Looking forward to seeing you
"Set your mind and your environment to midnight" for an hour of ambient reflections with the aMBieNT MuSiC WoRLD of JaNa KYoMooN streaming live from the UK at 9PM UK time / 1PM in California, 3PM in Nashville and 4PM in NYC.

Come and explore the iLLuSioN oF ReaLiTY with some new music and old friends in the virtual world of Second Life.
Listen to the show live on

Thanks to Reality Stalker for hosting the event at his beautiful underwater venue on Reality Island and to all the friends who support these weekly shows with their beautiful particles, dances and presence!

Join us on Facebook!

As always thanks for your support

June 11, 2012

MONDAY 6.00 PM Pacific/ 2.00 AM UK (Tuesday) - THe iLLuSioN oF ReaLITY

MONDAY 6.00 PM Pacific/ 2.00 AM UK (Tuesday) - THe iLLuSioN oF ReaLITY with Tuna OddFellow - Yes we are time travellers this evening!
Live at the TunaVerse
A special show for the USA and rest of the world on the first Monday of each Month with Tuna OddFellow.
It will be 2.00AM for JaNa K but the technicolour extravaganza should keep her awake!
Join us for an hour or so of OddBallity!
Hope to see you soon and as always thanks for your support!

June 10, 2012

a ViRTuaL WeeKeND with the aMBieNT MuSiC WoRLD of JaNa KYoMooN

a ViRTuaL WeeKeND with the aMBieNT MuSiC WoRLD of JaNa KYoMooN

Come and explore the iLLuSioN oF ReaLiTY with some new music and old friends in the virtual world of Second Life this weekend with the music of JaNa KYoMooN streaming live from the UK

You can now listen to a monthly collection of music from the shows with  aMBieNT MuSiC WoRLD on MixCloud - please share the link and comment!

SUNDAY - two shows mixing the virtuality of music and art

12PM (NOON) with TuNa oDDFeLLoW streaming live from Boston USA

It will be a radiantly technocolour JaNaTuNa experience at the OddBall on the first Sunday of each Month mixing an hour of ambient rhythmic reflections with mind blowing graphics!

1PM The GoodBye Weekend Show every Sunday. 
"Set your mind and your environment to midnight" for an hour of ambient reflections with the music of JaNa KYoMooN.Thanks to Reality Stalker for hosting the event at his beautiful underwater venue and to all the crowd who support these weekly shows with particles. dances and presence!

6PM Live at the TunaVerse
A special show for the USA and rest of the world on the first Monday of each Month with Tuna OddFellow. It will be 2AM for JaNa K but the technicolour extravaganza should keep her awake! Join us for an hour or so of OddBallity!

Hope to see you soon and as always thanks for your support!

Join us on Facebook

June 2, 2012

Postponing the GoodBye Weekend Show tomorrow (Sunday 3rd June)

Postponing the GoodBye Weekend Show tomorrow (Sunday June 3rd)
as I've been invited to Tower Bridge to see the Jubilee Flotilla . . . A once in a lifetime event so sure you will understand!
Enjoy your diamond weekend everybody!
See you next week at 1PM Pacific to set your mind and your environment to midnight!
JaNa x