October 25, 2010

Our dear friend has Brywnwynn has passed

I am so sorry to tell you our dear friend Brywnwynn passed away today after a long battle with cancer that metastisized to her bones and brain
I have posted some words she wrote for me to use at my recent Ditto presentation
She was a true inspiration and will be missed very much
Diolch yn fawr
Nos da Brywnwynn!
Your friend JaNa 

October 24, 2010

Live shows postponed until after Thanksgiving

Hello everyone! As always thanks for your support!

I have two albums to finish during the next month so I have to postpone my live shows until after Thanksgiving - then we will have our annual month of Music for Winter Festivals! Oh my where does the time go?

Meanwhile please do tune into anytime for the Music of JaNa KYoMooN - all live recordings 24/7 of music played at the music ALL music Peace Park.

All the news that's fit to print is posted on and and

So when I see you next I hope to have a new album/CD "THe MuSiC oF JaNa KYoMooN" ready for you . . and some new tunes to play live

If you can't wait until then you can always get the cds and downloads from

See you all in a month

JaNa KYoMooN


October 23, 2010

October 18, 2010

Thursday 21st October 2010 JaN PuLSFoRD presents "Behind the Monitor" w/ JaNa KYoMooN

You are invited!
Thursday 21st October 2010 7PM BST Live in London
JaN PuLSFoRD presents "Behind the Monitor" with JaNa KYoMooN
as part of the Ditto Campfire series

1. Join us LIVE in Person
ditto - Lighthouse
Unit 1A - New North House
190 New North Road
London N1 7BJ
+44 (0)20 3006 7850
2. Join us on the WEB

3. Join us on FACEBOOK
Use the free StreamJam App to enter the event

4. Join us in the VIRTUAL world of Second Life

11AM-12PM SLT/ 7-8PM UK 
Live particle show by InterfaceD Dreamscape

12PM-1PM SLT/ 8-9PM UK 
watch the event on screen in the virtual ditto space!

JaNa KYoMooN will be touring around Second Life visiting various live events and exhibits
Questions and answers including Meta News aggregator and Broadcaster Mal Burns
Music, chat and a few surprise guest avatars . . .

at the Oddfellows Research Center
Come and wind down!
Live visuals by Tuna OddFellow 

5. LISTEN to the music 
streaming live from the event


GooD MoRNiNG aFTeRNooN eVeNiNG!!


October 17, 2010

Imagine the Architecture of the Future

Hello everyone!
Tonight Medora and Junivers are performing at 1-3PM  at Imagine the Architecture of the Future CARP exbition and concert
(use this slur because it takes you to the right level) 
I have decided to invite those who would usually come to the GoodBye Weekend Show to come and join me at their performance instead. 
It will be a wonderful event! 
Also don't forget to download the gift of music that Junivers and I made available from last weekend's Imagine Festival
Hope to see you later

October 12, 2010

Ditto Campfire Thursday Oct 21st 7PM UK time

BeHiND THe MoNiToR with JaNa KYoMooN

Thank you Richard . . . 

My name is JaNa KYoMooN
and I am the avatar that Jan Pulsford uses 
to front her on line musical performances
in virtual worlds

2. Please tell us about the campfire that you’re going to be presenting and the story you’re going to be telling

I am going to take you behind the monitor
into a virtual environment called Second life
It's a big 3D social network where members use avatars to interact 
and navigate around a virtual world 
about the size of Luxembourg
Everything is created by it's residents 
I will show you how I am using it as part of my life as a virtual artist + musician

3. Please tell us what you would like the audience to take away from the experience and your story

Globally there are a billion people in virtual worlds 
so like it or not it is part of our future.
To some it might sound far fetched 
in the same way that emails and instant messaging did at the beginning of the 90s

As a creative explorer/composer/musician I find Second Life  invaluable 
for trying out new ideas, collaborations and performances
I have my own radio station, concert stage and social network 
and play to hundreds of people every week
from all walks of life and from all over the globe.

There is a huge live music scene, film makers, art galleries, clubs, universities, support groups and charity events . . it even has its own currency!
Basically if you can imagine it you can find it, build it or make it happen!

Look forward to seeing u thursday 21st at Ditto

October 11, 2010

It's Monday at the TunaVerse 7PM PDT

The Spirit of the Imagination of Peace continues MON Oct 11th, 7pm-9pm PDT at the TunaVerse -  Visualize Peace at the Odd Ball
It's Thich Nhat Hanh's birthday and Tuna says "Nhat Han has influenced the peace movement and western buddhism as much as any one man, and we honor him to the peaceful tunage of Jana Kyomoon!"
Looking forward to streaming two hours of special music for this special event.
Wait to rez and prepare for your mind and senses to be blown!

Peace is a Choice - Link to Download - a gift for you

A gift of music for the people who came to the Imagine Festival 101010.

Peace is a Choice was a creative on line collaboration between Junivers Stockholm and JaNa KYoMooN
More details -


MON 5AM THe GooD MoRNiNG aFTeRNooN eVeNiNG SHoW WiTH JaNa KYoMooN + iNTeRFaCeD DreaMSCaPe - Imagining Peace
We are going to repeat and capture the spirit for those of you who couldn't make the  amazing Imagine Festival this weekend. Always a lovely crowd up in the clouds at the music ALL music Peace Park CLoud Stage! See you then JaNa

October 10, 2010

1PM Imagine Festival at the music ALL music Peace Park

STOP PRESS: Joining me today will be Yman Juran and Melvin Starbrook from the Chang High Sisters for some lovely visuals. We also have a beautiful Star Dome built by Paulette Felisimo for dancing - and I'm sure Medora will be swooping around too.
This is going to be a truly inspiring event so please come early and as prim free as possible - i have stripped down to a bare minimum so hope it will be an enjoyable experience for all! 
Music, poetry, dancers and Peace. Imagine that!
1PM The Cloud Stage at the music ALL music Peace Park - 1200m high

1PM Today is a special Goodbye Weekend Show!

1PM Today is a special Goodbye Weekend Show! As part of the Imagine Festival JaNa KYoMooN will be hosting two hours of Music + Poetry - BRING YOUR POEMS OF PEACE for me to read with the live music.
There will be Special guests, dancers and a beautiful Shooting Stars DOme to FlY  ~  DrEaM  ~ DiVe ---> It will be a wonderful two hour celebration of Imagination + Peace.
Hope to see you later 1PM SLT 1200m up at the Cloud Stage at the music ALL music Peace Park
Come early + stay late and of course set your mind and your environment to midnight!

October 7, 2010


This weekend we celebrate the Imagine Festival - a truly wonderful event. Please open the link for all the details - there is a Music + Poetry event Sunday 1-3PM at the Cloud Stage with some very special builds and freebies! Look forward to seeing you over the Weekend - JaNa

October 4, 2010

5AM Show Postponed until next week

Sorry all but due to a family medical emergency ( nothing very serious we hope!) I am postponing today's 5AM show until next week.
Don't forget the  Imagine Peace Festival this weekend!!
See you then - Cheers! JaNa